Byrna Technologies

About Byrna Technologies

Byrna Technologies Inc. is a Massachusetts-based company that has been at the forefront of developing and producing cutting-edge, non-lethal weapons since its founding. Our commitment to innovation and advanced technology is evident in our world-renowned Byrna launcher which features a CO2-powered design with less-lethal, 68-caliber chemical irritants (tear gas and pepper) and kinetic projectiles designed to incapacitate attackers for up to 40 minutes. What’s more, our Byrna launchers have an impressive range of up to 60 feet, making them ideal for self defense, concealed carry, and other security purposes.

In addition to offering these powerful personal security devices, Byrna also supplies less lethal munitions to military, law enforcement, and correctional agencies around the world through our Byrna Law Enforcement Division. We are proud of our long history of excellence in the weapons industry and strive every day to provide the best products available that are safe yet effective.

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